Cameras determine winners in close races
Officials at a European sports club are using megapixel video cameras from Arecont Vision (Glendale, CA, USA) to determine race results in close competitions.
At the Vojvodina Track & Field Club in Novi Sad, Serbia, the Arecont Vision 1.3-Mpixel IP camera is capturing detailed images of sporting events so that athletes, and the order in which they finish, can be more easily identified.
The Vojvodina Track & Field club uses the camera along with software to record and review races. The camera is placed on the inside track of the stadium and the race is recorded on one laptop while a second laptop receives the live stream. Live video of the race is also shown on a big screen display at the stadium.
Because of the portability of the system, the camera can also be used to decide results in biking, horse racing, or even dog racing events. According to Dusko Milicic, international photo finish judge at the Vojvodina club, the megapixel camera system will be used at all future sporting events in case an appeal needs to be decided.
-- By Dave Wilson, Senior Editor, Vision Systems Design