The new DADL75 series fromSmart Vision Lights is designed as a multicolor LED inspection light with a built-in individual on-axis and off-axis intensity control. The lights feature 12-pin M12 quick disconnect, built-in driver, NPN or PNT signal options, and continuous operation or strobe mode. In addition, the lights feature variable intensity control on each RGB channel, RGB color select ability (3 analog channels per axis), and both on and off-axis illumination options. With the uniformity and intense output of the lights, the DADL75 series is suitable for use in for applications that require variable intensities with multiple color options or any product inspection process involving a highly reflective finish.
To Learn More:
Contact:Smart Vision Lights
Headquarters: Muskegon, MI, USA
Product:DADL75 series of lights
Key Features: Dual-axis RGB LED lights, 12-pin M12 quick disconnect, built-in driver, NPN or PNT signal options, continuous operation or strobe mode.
What Smart Vision Lights says:
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