Traffic imaging system to be installed in pilot speed control project in Germany
As part of Germany’s national section speed control pilot project, Jenoptik will supply a traffic imaging system from its TraffiSection product range.
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In the project, the system will monitor the speed limit on a section of highway just under three kilometers in length on Federal Highway 6, south of Hanover. The system will be installed at the end of March and the test phases will begin in April. From there, approval for Germany is to be obtained from Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany’s national metrology institute) in the course of the year which will allow the system to go into full operation, most likely in the fall of 2015.
"We are pleased that we can support such a trend-setting project in Germany with our experience,"said Jenoptik President & CEO Michael Mertin. "Our modern technology for section speed control has already contributed to increase traffic safety in other countries. It has been used successfully for several years in the United Kingdom, in Austria and Switzerland, as well as in Kuwait."
For the system, Jenoptik is using its TraffiSection technology. The technology, which uses laser scanners and cameras, measures average speeds over an extended stretch of highway at entry and exit points. Every vehicle is registered at each control point and is identified by license plate. After being registered at the entry point, the data is immediately anonymized and encoded using a cryptological procedure in such a way that it is impossible to work out any details of the actual vehicle or any personal data at any time during the measurement. With the system, it is not possible to recognize people in the vehicle, as they are scanned in low resolution from the rear.
If a vehicle’s average speed over the particular section of highway exceeds the speed limit, a conventional high-resolution image with driver recognition is captured from the front when the vehicle exits the section of highway. The system automatically records data such as license plate number and an image of the driver and that information is relayed to the police force or municipality. Data for the vehicles not exceeding the speed limit is stored temporarily and deleted after they leave the highway section.
With this system, traffic monitoring can be performed more effectively and most cost-efficient, with an aim of achieving increased safety on highways, according to Jenoptik.
View more information on TraffiSection technology.
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.