Page 2: Cutting-edge innovations in optics and imaging front and center at SPIE DSS 2015
Editor's note: This article is continued frompage one.
The show will also feature a number of additional presentations and workshops relevant to thevision industry, including:
- FLIR Systems presentation of two speakers on the exhibition floor whose work epitomizes inventive applications of sensor systems in environmental protection and entertainment.
- An all-symposium plenary presentation by Alan Shaffer, principal deputy to the assistant secretary for research and engineering at the Department of Defense, on the emerging research and engineering capabilities for next-generation warfighters.
- A keynote address by William Chappell, deputy director of the Microsystems Technology Office at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
- A strategic partnerships panel that explores the potential of industry, academic, and government collaboration in the pharmaceutical industry, as a significant user of optical sensing, and applicable across many other sectors
- A technology-transfer workshop with representatives from U.S. government labs, the venture-capital community, and industry, focusing on technology commercialization for early-stage defense and homeland security applications with an emphasis on mid-IR technologies, led by Joseph Montemarano, executive director of the Mid-InfraRed Technologies for Health and the Environment Engineering Research Center at Princeton University
- A commercial workshop that shows prospective entrepreneurs how new products make their way out of universities and federal labs, led by Stephen Auvil, senior vice president of technology transfer and commercialization at Maryland Technology Development Corp.
The following is our coverage of the companies that will be showcasing vision-related technologies at the exhibition:
- Hyperspectral camera for UAVs from BaySpec
- CoaXPress frame grabbers from Euresys
- 20 MPixel cameras from EPIX
- 29 MPixel GigE cameras from Vieworks
- CoaXPress frame grabbers from BitFlow
- High-speed multi-head camera system from Photron
- Infrared cameras with superzoom lenses from InfraTec
- Embedded vision solutions from Active Silicon
- CMOS camera from Adimec designed for airborne payloads
- Ultra long range surveillance lens from Special Optics
- Bi-telecentric machine vision lenses from Navitar
- Edmund Optics new infrared molding manufacturing capability
- IO Industries industrial cameras
- Tunable lenses and infrared detectors from Pacer
- Industrial cameras from Critical Link
- Remote camera extender from EDT
- Multispectral cameras from PIXELTEQ
- Infrared analog camera from Raptor
- Pleora Camera Link to GigE frame grabber
- Airborne imaging gimbal system from IJK Controls
- Hyperspectral imager from Bodkin Design
- Long range strobe light from Metaphase
View more information onSPIE DSS 2015.
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About the Author

James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.