When we asked our audience about the hottest vision topics of 2015, the answer was loud and clear.3D imaging, by a wide margin, was identified as the topic that our readers are most interested in right now.
It is, perhaps, not surprising that 3D imaging took the top spot. This has been a rather hot topic as of late. Throughout the course of theVISION show in Stuttgart, I conducted numerous interviews with industry executives and experts on a number of different topics related to imaging and machine vision. When asked about what the "next big thing" could be, many of these folks suggested that the importance of 3D imaging will grow in the not-so-distant future.
Furthermore, Editor in Chief Andy Wilson recently wrote an informative article that covers not only 3D imaging, but also the second most popular response, which wasrobots. In the article, "Choosing a 3D vision system for automated robotics applications," Andy describes many of the 3D techniques and products that are now available for object recognition, classification, and analysis.
The other options not cover each and every application or market segment, but were instead identified as areas that could potentially see growth, and have definitely seen increased interest and technological advancement as of late. Here is the original question, along with the answers and the percentage of the 107 readers who responded to each option.
From a "vision" standpoint, which of the following topics are you most interested in right now?
- 3D imaging (36%)
- Robotics (21%)
- Embedded vision (20%)
- UAVs (12%)
- Other (9%)
- Life sciences (2%)
Of the 8 respondents who indicated "Other," the answers included factory automation/machine vision (4), lighting (2), as well as automotive safety (1), and infrared imaging (1).
Learn more about these "hot topics" with the following selection of editorial coverage:
3D imaging
- Using the Map-Seeking Circuit algorithm in object recognition
- Imaging system balances crankshafts
- High-speed camera systems measure vehicle dynamics
- Robots and robotic-based systems increase manufacturing productivity
- Vision system ensures precise pipe welding
- 3D vision system assists in robotic bin picking
Embedded vision
- Packaging and Production: Embedded vision system performs blister pack inspection
- Bloodhound supersonic car vision system tests ramping up
- Autonomous vehicles: Embedded vision system assists self-navigated automobiles
- UAV roundup 4/24: The latest in unmanned aerial vehicle news
- Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro re-created in 3D
- Vision-guided humanoid robot and UAV work in tandem to fight fires
Life sciences
- Medical Imaging: Vision-guided robot aids neurosurgical procedures
- iPhone microscope automates detection of parasites in blood
- Medical Imaging: Polarization subtraction system characterizes cancer
Share your vision-related news by contactingJames Carroll, Senior Web Editor, Vision Systems Design
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About the Author

James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.