Matrox Imaging Library vision software update for Linux released
Matrox Imaging has announced a major update to Linux support with its core vision software product, Matrox Imaging Library, including 2D and 3D vision enhancements and new productivity tools.
MIL 10 R2 for Linux provides users with support for the latest version of Linux distributions, namely Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and SUSE Linux Enterprise 12. Enhancements for 3D vision include calibration of multiple sheet-of-light and camera systems to work as one, a new peak detection algorithm, and a new 3D surface registration tool. Enhancements for 2D vision include additional image pre-processing, additions to the ID mark reading and verification tools, new color-relative calibration, a new dedicated circle matcher, and additional speed optimizations.
"The adoption of Linux as the basis for imaging systems is growing and we are committed to providing the up-to-date support in our MIL software on Linux that machine vision programmers need to develop even the most demanding applications," said Pierantonio Boriero, product line manager, Matrox Imaging. "They will appreciate the innovative new tools in MIL that will simplify and accelerate their development projects."
Additionally, this release also integrates support for the new Matrox Radient eV-CL frame grabber on Linux. MIL/MIL-Lite 10 R2 for Linux is available now to users with valid maintenance subscriptions through the software’s self-update service. It is also available forevaluation.
View more information onMatrox Imaging Library vision software.
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.