Hyperspectral imaging expected to be a hot topic at VISION 2016
Hyperspectral imaging will be a hot topic at this year’s VISION tradeshow in Stuttgart, which will take place from November 8-10, according to the show’s organizer, Messe Stuttgart.
Stemmer Imaging, along with partner Perception Park, will be among the companies showcasing hyperspectral imaging technologies in the form of its2016 platinum-level award winning Chemical Color Imaging (CCI) Technology (pictured), which enables the chemical properties and characteristics of objects to be differentiated.
"It is used to set up machine vision systems based on Chemical Colour Imaging (CCI) technology, which enables the chemical properties and characteristics of objects to be differentiated,” said Peter Stiefenhöfer, Head of Marketing and PR for Stemmer. “This permits, for instance, rotten parts of fruit and vegetables to be identified. We will be showcasing some really interesting approaches in Stuttgart."
Additionally,XIMEA will also showcase hyperspectral imaging products. One such hyperspectral camera, which was recently released, is the xiSpec MQ022HG-IM-LS150-VISNIR hyperspectral imaging camera. This camera features 150 HSI bands between 470 and 900 nm, covering the visual and NIR spectrum as well as a 2048 x 1088 CMOS image sensor with hyperspectral filters added at wafer level, with a multi-line scan format that captures up to 1020 lines/sec. XIMEA will offer live demonstrations of how hyperspectral imaging works at the show.
"Visitors will be able to view fast real-time systems on our stand in Stuttgart, which work with a frame rate of 170 frames per second (fps)," said Jürgen Hillmann, Chief Technology Officer. "We will also be showing flight-compatible hardware, ideal for using in drones."
While it can be safely assumed that a number of other companies will be showcasing hyperspectral imaging products at the world’s largest vision tradeshow, one additional company mentioned by Messe Stuttgart is Allied Vision, which will have visible and infrared cameras on display at its booth this November.
View additionalVISION press releases.
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About the Author

James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.