October’s Global Vision Standards Update from the AIA gives a look into the latest news surrounding machine vision standards and theproducts that incorporate them.
Bob McCurrach, AIA Director, Standards Development first provided an update on the Fall International Vision Standards meeting, which took place on October 10, 2016 in Liège, Belgium. The IVSM, which is hosted by Euresys, was held in conjunction with a PlugFest for those in need of completing their compliance process. More updates on this meeting are sure to come in a future update.
McCurrach also noted that the Global Machine Vision Interface Standards Brochure has been updated. Published by the Future Standards Forum (FSF), a working group of the G3, the brochure has updates on the roadmaps for all the standards and recognizes the addition of the VDMA – Machine Vision and the China Machine Vision Union (CMVU). Download the brochure here.
From there, the update took a look toward the standards activities that will take place at VISION 2016 in Stuttgart, Germany, from November 8-10. At the show, G3 will coordinate a 50-minute standards presentation covering all the standards, which will allow for attendees to see all standard chairs and ask questions. EMVA will also coordinate an International Standards Booth with live demonstrations of the various standards, while the AIA will host a PlugFest the day after the show on Friday, November 11, from 9 AM – 3 PM. This will include testing for GigE Vision, USB3 Vision and GenICam. For AIA Standards, attendees must be a license holder to attend.
Lastly, McCurrach provided relevant news and updates for the USB3 Vision, Camera Link, Camera Link HS, and GigE Vision Standards. To read these updates, and to access the newsletter, click here.
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About the Author
James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.