Latest da Vinci robotic surgical system features enhanced capabilities
Intuitive Surgical, Inc. has announced the launch of the da Vinci Xisurgical system, which represents a technological leap forward over previous versions of the robotic-assisted surgery system.
da Vinci systems feature avision system, patient-side cart, a console, and proprietary surgical instruments. 3D images of the surgical field are viewed by the surgeon seated at the console and the movements intended by the surgeon are transmitted by natural positioning of instruments via the system’s robotic arm. For more than 10 years, these systems have been used as minimally-invasive alternatives to open surgery, but with the new da Vinci Xi, the goal was to further advance the technology and enhance the robot’s surgical performance.
The new system expands upon the aforementioned original model by adding new overhead instrument arm architecture designed to facilitate anatomical access from any position.
"The da Vinci Xi System's new overhead architecture means that multi-quadrant surgery can be performed without repositioning the system, an innovation long sought by surgeons who perform complex procedures," said Gary Guthart, Intuitive Surgical President and CEO.
In addition to the new overhead architecture, da Vinci Xi features a more compactendoscope camera that has improved visual definition and clarity over the previous model. The system also now has the ability to attach this endoscope camera to any of its arm, which provides flexibility for visualizing the surgical site. Lastly, the robot has thinner arms, newly-designed joints, and longer instrument shafts to provide a greater range of motion and reach.
Intuitive Surgical will introduce the da Vinci Xi system in the United States, while also seeking regulatory clearances in additional markets.
View thepress release.
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.