Machine vision cameras from Mightex to be showcased at Photonics West
Mightex Systems will display a lineup of USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 cameras, including the 1.2 MPixel SME-C012-U, 5.MPixel SME-C050-U, and its 2.4 MPixel TCE-1209-U camera.
SME-C012-U USB 3.0 cameras feature 1/2.5" Aptina MT9M031CMOS global shutter image sensors with 3.75 µm pixel size, and achieve 60 fps at full resolution, and 200 fps at 320 x 240. SME-C050-U 5 MPixel USB 3.0 cameras feature a 1/2.5" Aptina MT9P031 CMOS rolling shutter image sensor with 2.2 µm pixel size and achieve 4 fps at full resolution, and 240 fps at 320 x 240.
TCE-1209-U USB2.0line scan cameras feature Toshiba TCD1209 CCD image sensors with a 14 µm pixel size, and achieve a frame rate of 3,300 scans/s. In addition, Mightex will showcase its CCD cameras, including theCGE-C013-U USB 2.0 camera, which feature a 1/3” Sony ICX445AL CCD global shutter image sensor, 3.75 µm pixel size, and achieve 20 fps at full resolution.
SPIE Photonics West booth number:5103
To Learn More:
Contact:Mightex Systems
Headquarters: Toronto, ON, Canada
Products: CGE-B013-U, TCE-1209-U, and USB 3.0 cameras
Key application areas:Medical imaging, machine vision, semiconductor equipment, microscopy, barcode reading, security (USB 3.0 cameras), high speed process control, machine vision, web inspection (TCE-1209-U).
What Mightex Systems says:
View more information on the USB 3.0 cameras.
View more information on the TCE-1209-U cameras.
View more information on the CGE-B013-U cameras.
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.