AtSPIE DSS 2015 from April 21-23, IJK Controls will showcase its brand new Tactical Airborne Gimbal System (TAGS). The 4-axis gimbal design is 17.5 in. across, weighs approximately 100 lbs., and includes a sensor payload for airborne military, law enforcement, and surveillance applications. The TAGS system features two main image sensors and two lenses, all of which are mounted into the same optical bench: A 1280 x 1024 digital InSb MWIR detector with a 15 µm pixel size, and a 4240 x 2832 Sony Exmore CMOS image sensor. Lenses for the cameras are custom, continuous zoom models with focal lengths from 30 mm to 900 mm. The TAGS payload also features an additional visible-range Sony block camera, a laser pointer, and a laser illuminator. IJK Controls can also customize the TAGS design by changing the sensor payloads to meet the particular needs of customers.
SPIE Defense + Security 2015 booth number:758
To Learn More:
Contact: IJK Controls
Headquarters: Dallas, TX, USA
Product: Tactical Airborne Gimbal System (TAGS)
Key Features: Four-axis gimbal design with fiber optic gyroscope stabilization and extended environment operations, MWIR/VIS main imaging payload with custom lenses.
What IJK Controls says:
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.