Multispectral cameras from PIXELTEQ to be showcased at SPIE DSS 2015
AtSPIE DSS from April 21-23, PIXELTEQ will showcase its PixelCam and SpectroCam SWIR multispectral cameras. PixelCam cameras (pictured) are available in two models: The VIS-NIR model (400-1000 nm, USB 2.0, 16-bit), and the VIS-SWIR model (500-1700 nm, Camera Link, 14-bit). The NIR model features a 512 x 512 scientific CCD image sensor with a 24 µm pixel size while the SWIR model features a 640 x 512 solid state InGaAs detector with a 15 µm pixel size. Both cameras provide live imaging in four user-defined spectral bands.
PIXELTEQ will also showcase the newly-launched SpectroCam SWIR, which provides live “color infrared” imaging in six user-defined spectral bands and features a standard spectral response of 900-1700 nm. The camera features a 640 x 512 Goodrich solid state InGaAs detector with 12-bit Camera Link digital video output.
SPIE Defense + Security 2015 booth number:655
To Learn More:
Headquarters: Largo, FL, USA
Product:PixelCam and SpectroCam cameras
Key Features: 400-1000 nm, scientific CCD, USB 2.0, (VIS-NIR PixelCam), 500-1700 nm, Camera Link, InGaAs detector (VIS-SWIR PixelCam), 900-1700 nm, InGaAs detector, Camera Link, (SpectroCam)
What PIXELTEQ says:
View more information on PixelCam cameras.
View more information on the SpectroCam SWIR.
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.