Expanding on its line of Apex prism-based color area scan cameras, JAIhas announced the launch of the AP-1600T-USB (USB3 Vision interface, 78 fps), the AP-1600T-PGE (GigE Vision interface, 24 fps), and the 1600T-PMCL (dual Mini Camera Link interface, 126 fps). Each camera features three Pregius IMX273 1/2.9” CMOS image sensors, which are 1.6 MPixel CMOS sensors with a 3.45 µm pixel size.
JAI also introduced the AP-3200T-PGE (GigE Vision, 12 fps) and AP-3200T-PMCL (Camera Link, 55 fps), which feature Pregius IMX265 sensors, which are 3.2 MPixel CMOS sensors with a 3.45 µm pixel size. All of the new Apex Series cameras come with a range of feature sets supporting color imaging applications, such as the color space conversion tool, which provides on-board color space conversion including RGB to HSI color space conversion and RGB to CIE-XYZ color space conversion.
To Learn More:
Contact: JAI
Headquarters: San Jose, CA, USA
Product: Apex prism-based color area scan cameras
Key Features: 1.6 MPixel Sony Pregius IMX273, 3.2 MPixel Sony Pregius IMX265, USB3 interface, GigE Vision interface, Camera Link interface, color space conversion tool.
What JAI says:
View more information on Apex cameras.
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