Basler announces new development kits for i.MX 8 processors
Basler has announced new development kits, in partnership with eInfochips and Variscite, based on the i.MX 8M and M Mini processor series. The development boards, based on the Thor96 board from eInfochips, give all 96Boards standard users access to an embedded vision development kit. The Variscite DART-MX8M-MINI based kit includes the full range of i.MX 8 interfaces.
Both development boards are bundled with a Basler dart 13 MPixel BCON for MIPI camera module.
According to Basler, integrating the camera drivers into the system software allows the kits to be put into operation without programming effort. Kits developed in partnership with Congatec, SolidRun, and Toradex will be available at the beginning of 2020.
To Learn More:
Contact: BaslerHeadquarters: Ahrensburg, GermanyProduct: NXP i.MX 8 development kitsKey Features: Bundled with dart 13 MPixel BCON for MIPI camera modules.
What Basler says: View more information on the NXP i.MX 8 development kits.
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