Latest machine vision solutions from Matrox to be showcased at Automate
Matrox Imaging will feature live demonstrations of all of their product lines, including Matrox Design Assistant 4 (DA4) and Matrox Imaging Library (MIL) vision software, at this year’s Automate show in Chicago. DA4 is the first hardware-independent integrated development environment that lets users create an application flowchart and HMI and take projects from concept to completion without the need for conventional programming. In addition to Matrox Iris GT smart cameras, the software works with any PC with GigE Vision or USB3 Vision cameras.
MIL provides a set of tools for the entire process of imaging application development including feasibility testing, prototyping, application creation, and deployment. Enhancements to the product will be demonstrated at the show, including improvements for 3D profiling applications. Matrox will also showcase its 4Sight GPm family of industrial imaging computers, and the Radient eV-series of frame grabbers, including the Radient eV-CLHS, which supports the new Camera Link HS interface, Radient eV-CL featuring support for the Camera Link interface, and Matrox Radient eV-CXP featuring support for the CoaXPress interface.
Automate booth number: Booth 939
To Learn More:
Contact: Matrox Imaging
Headquarters: Dorval, QC, Canada
Product: Matrox Design Assistant 4 software, Matrox Imaging Library, Matrox 4Sight GPm computer, and Radient frame grabbers.
Key Features: New models and expanded capabilities in each product line.
What Matrox Imaging says:
View more information on Design Assistant 4.
View more information on MIL.
View more information on the Matrox 4Sight GPm industrial computer.
View more information on Radient frame grabbers.
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.