InfraTec’s VarioCAM HD uncooled infrared imaging camera now comes equipped with the new “EverSharp” feature, in which special algorithms are used to create a thermal image with multiple focal lengths automatically combined, so that only structures that are clearly in focus are represented in the resulting thermal image. As a result, detailed thermal images are created in which all objects appear in the highest possible clarity. VarioCAM HD camera, which features 1024 x 768 uncooled microbolometer focal plane array detector, a spectral range of 7.5 µm to 14 µm, and a temperature measurement range of -40°F to 2,192°F. The VarioCAM also has a number of interfaces, including GigE, DVD-D, C-Video, RS232, WLAN, USB 2.0, and Bluetooth.
To Learn More:
Contact: InfraTec
Headquarters: Dresden, Germany
Product: VarioCAM infrared camera and ImageIR 8300/9300 Z cameras
Key Features: EverSharp technology,1024 x 768 uncooled microbolometer focal plane array detector, spectral range of 7.5 µm to 14 µm.
What InfraTec says:
View more information on the VarioCAM HD.
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