Neurotechnologija debuts FingerCell EDK
SEPTEMBER 3--Neurotechnologija Ltd. (Vilnius, Lithuania), a provider of biometric identification technology, has announced the release of FingerCell EDK (embedded development kit), a complete biometric fingerprint solution for embedded devices. FingerCell EDK not only enables rapid development of embedded fingerprint identification for doors, gates, computers, and other security-sensitive applications, but also can match 500 fingerprints per second, making it one of the fastest embedded ID systems on the market.
The kit includes FingerCell fingerprint recognition software. Based on Neurotechnologija's pioneering VeriFinger technology, FingerCell can be used for both verification (1:1 matching) and identification (1:N). FingerCell's algorithms are custom set for the EDK's hardware, enabling enrollment times of less than one second; the software also provides a false rejection rate (FRR) of 3% and false acceptance rate (FAR) of 0.001%.
FingerCell fingerprint recognition software combines good comparison speed with high reliability in both 1:1 and 1:N matching modes. Fingerprint enrollment time is less than 1 s (3 s when feature generalization is used). In addition to its 400 fingerprint per second 1:N (identification mode) matching speed and low FRR/FAR ratios, FingerCell is fully tolerant to fingerprint translation and rotation, ensuring accurate matching regardless of finger position. The software does not require a fingerprint core or delta points for recognition; however, more reliable results will result if those elements are present. FingerCell code is extremely compact, requiring only 512 kbytes of memory. The software source code is provided in ANSI C, enabling easy adaptation for other processor types if desired. What's more, the FingerCell EDK offers developers complete open technology for all kit elements, including software and hardware. Complete documentation, electrical schematics, identification software libraries and more are standard with each kit.
For additional information about the FingerCell EDK, including pricing and ordering details, visit