Acroname has announced the launch of the USBHub3+, an 8-port programmable USB 3.0 hub that is optimized for manufacturing and development environments, and is reportedly the first programmable USB 3.0 hub available on the market. Up to 8 USB 3.0 ports can be controlled through software to enable or disable individual ports, set current limits and monitor current and voltage on each port. An additional port is provided to expand to multiple hubs. Acroname’s BrainStem technology and API is used to control the USBHub3+ and a sample open source GUI is provided, but users can also utilize C, C++, or Python to interface with BrainStem APIs. Additionally, the USBHub3+ is designed to withstand up to +/-30kV ESD strikes.
To Learn More:
Headquarters: Boulder, CO, USA
Product:USBHub3+ programmable USB 3.0 hub.
Key Features: 8 programmable / 1 daisy-chain downstream USB 3.0 ports, 2 USB 3.0 type-B host ports, BrainStem technology and API for control.
What Acroname says:
View more information on the USBHub3+.
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