After announcing the series earlier this year, Euresys has made its new CoaXPress frame grabber, the Coaxlink Quad, the first in a new series of four frame grabbers, available. The Coaxlink Quad supports up to four cameras and has four CXP-6 connections, 20 digital I/O lines, and four PCIe 2.0 ports that offer a peak transfer rate of 2 GByte/s. The new frame grabber also has a feature called the Memento Event Logging Tool, which records a log of all the events related to the image acquisition for debugging and optimization. The Coaxlink Quad provides data transmission between the camera and frame grabber at up to 25 Gbits/s (4 x 6.25 Gbits/s) and can be used in a number of machine vision applications.
To Learn More:
Headquarters: Angleur, Belgium
Product: Coaxlink Quad frame grabbers
Key Features: Supports up to four cameras, data transmission at up to 25 Gbits/s (4 x 6.25), four CXP-6 connections, 20 digital I/O lines, four PCIe 2.0 ports.
What Euresys says:
View more information on the Coaxlink frame grabbers.
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