At SPIE Photonics West 2018, NorPix will debut StreamTouch, which combines features of the company’s TroublePix monitoring and troubleshooting software with a touch-based graphical user interface. Compatible with USB3, GigE Vision, 10 GigE Vision, Camera Link, and CoaXPress cameras from over 200 different manufacturers, the StreamTouch touch-based GUI can be used to control image capture, recording, playback and display functions. After images are captured and time stamped, they can be stored to either disc or RAM, and exported as AVI or MOV files, which enables users to retrieve a complete record of the factory automation process for later analysis.
SPIE Photonics West 2018 booth number: 4442
To Learn More:
Contact: NorPix
Headquarters: Montreal, QC, Canada
Product: StreamTouch touchscreen video recording software
Key Features: Touchscreen graphical user interface, ideal for multiple camera acquisition, web monitoring, compatible with cameras from more than 200 manufacturers.
What NorPix says:
View more information on TroublePix software.
View more information on StreamPix software.
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