New Line of Industrial Cameras Launched
IDS recently launched a new line of USB3 basic industrial cameras, the uEye XLS camera family. The board-level cameras have a footprint of 29x29x7 mm and can be inserted directly into the lens holders. They are compatible with the Vision Standard, have a Micro-B connector and are available as board-level versions with or without C/CS or S-mount lens holders. They are equipped with rolling shutters and choice of CMOS sensors and can provide resolutions from 2 to 13 MPixels and up to 102 fps frame rate. These cameras are designed for a variety of embedded vision industrial applications.
To Learn More:
Contact: IDS Imaging Development Systems
Headquarters: Obersulm, Germany
Product:uEye XLS camera line
Key Features: USB3, CMOS, up to 13 Mpixel resolution
What COMPANY NAME says: View more information on uEye XLS cameras.
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