Industrial cameras feature high resolution
Industrial cameras feature high resolution
The A113 and A113P monochrome CCD cameras provide asynchronous reset and full-frame shutter for taking 1300 ¥ 1000-pixel frames of fast-moving objects. The cameras deliver 6 or 11.5 frames/s. A partial-scan option for the A113P allows readouts of less than full vertical resolution, thereby increasing the frame rate. A 2 ¥ 2 binning (clocking) readout mode groups two horizontal and two vertical pixels together to reduce the number of horizontal and vertical output pixels and increase camera sensitivity and frame rate. The 24-V cameras also offer programmable gain and offset via an RS-232 serial interface and electronically controlled exposure time The square-pixel sensors suit metrology applications by eliminating the need for aspect-ratio correction. Basler GmbH, An der Stusbek 30, 22926 Ahrensburg, Germany; (49) 0-4102 463-191; Fax: (49) 0-4102 463-109.