Cameras and Accessories
Active-pixel image sensor claimed worlds largest The FUGA 22, a 2048 x 2048 active-pixel image,
Active-pixel image sensor claimed world`s largest The FUGA 22, a 2048 x 2048 active-pixel image, holds more than 12 million MOSFETs, measures 16 x 16 mm in image area, and uses 7.5-um pixels. Random addressing, electronic pan and tilt, or electronic zoom can be used to exchange frame-speed specifications for image resolution or amount of data at a maximum pixel rate of 4 MHz. Other features include eight parallel outputs and a 120-dB dynamic range. C-Cam Technologies, Esperantolaan 9, B-3001, Heverlee, Belgium; 16 398 300; Fax: 16 398 301.