Smart Vision Lights is now offering a line of band pass, color pass, and polarizer machine vision filters designed to be matched with LED lights.
Among the products in the new filter line, which are being manufactured to Smart Vision Lights’ specifications, are band pass filters for blue, cyan, green, amber, red, and deep red LEDs, as well as color pass filters in the red and deep red, and an infrared band pass filter used to maximize contrast under IR lighting. Also offered is a linear polarizer used to eliminate glare, which comes with rotating locking screws.
The wavelength range for each filter is as follows:
- Blue band pass: 440nm - 480nm
- Cyan band pass: 470nm - 515nm
- Green band pass: 500nm - 540nm
- Amber band pass: 580nm - 610nm
- Red band pass: 620nm - 660nm
- Red color pass: 610 nm - 680nm
- Deep Red band pass: 650nm - 680nm
- Deep Red color pass: 640nm - 680nm
- Infrared band pass: 840nm - 870nm
- Linear polarizer: 400nm - 700nm
Smart Vision Lights is also offering a step down adapter from 27 mm to 25.5 mm and step up adapter from 27 mm to 30.5 mm.
View more information on the machine vision filters.
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