Initially introduced earlier this year, Basler’s line of pulse USB 3.0 cameras has now launched into series production. The camera is available in three different models with color and monochrome versions, for a total of six different pulse cameras. These models include the puA1280-54um/uc, puA1920-30um/uc, and puA2500-14um/uc cameras. The USB 3.0 cameras feature 1.2, 2, and 5 MPixel CMOS image sensors from Aptina (ON Semiconductor) with pixel sizes of 3.75 µm, 2.2 µm, and 2.2 µm, respectively, with the cameras capable of achieving frame rates of 54, 30, and 14 fps.
In addition, the cameras feature an integrated tripod adapter and a CS-mount that can easily be converted to a C- or S-mount. The cameras weigh less than 60g and measure just 38.8 mm x 28.2 mm, making them suitable for use in a range of such applications as scientific imaging, factory automation, microscopy, dermatology, in-vehicle automatic license plate recognition, and surveillance.
To Learn More:
Headquarters: Ahrensburg, Germany
Product: pulse USB 3.0 cameras
Key Features: Small form factor, USB3 Vision interface, 1.2, 2, or 5 MPixel CMOS image sensors from ON Semiconductor, color and monochrome versions.
What Basler says:
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