ISVI Corp. has announced the release of the IC-M29S-CL industrial camera, which features a CCD image sensor and achieves a frame rate of 4.45 fps. The CCD is a 29 MPixel ON Semiconductor KAI-29050 image sensor that has a 5.5 µm pixel size and features 8/10/12-bit monochrome output. The camera features a Camera Link interface with a two-tap base configuration and a 64 dB dynamic range. ISVI also added an active cooling fan to help eliminate temperature oscillation found on passively-cooled cameras. Additionally, the camera features both tap-balancing and flat-field correction algorithms to provide more fidelity to the images.
To Learn More:
Contact:ISVI Corp.
Headquarters: Oxford, CT, USA
Product: IC-M29S-CL Camera Link camera
Key Features: 29 MPixel ON Semicoductor KAI-29050 CCD image sensor, 5.5 µm pixel size, 8/10/12-bit monochrome output, Camera Link interface.
What ISVI Corp. says:
View more information on the IC-M29S-CL.
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