North American machine vision market off to record start in 2015
Total sales of machine vision systems and components saw 22% year-over-year growth in the first quarter of 2015, the highest first quarter total since the AIA began recording statistics in the market.
Vision and imaging applications in life sciences event launched by AIA
AIA to hold first Canadian machine vision conference this fall
The machine vision systems category—which includes smart cameras and applications specific machine vision systems (ASMV)—saw a year-over-year increase of 24%. Smart cameras increased by 23% while ASMVs increased 24%. Additionally, machine vision components, including cameras, lighting, and software, saw an 11% growth in Q1. Lighting grew by 28%, while cameras grew 11% and software 8%.
"Industry experts remain bullish on machine vision components for the next two quarters," said Alex Shikany, Director of Market Analysis, AIA. "Less so for machine vision systems however, where 55% of survey respondents believe the category will be flat, 25% expect an increase, and 20% expect a decline."
Jeff Burnstein, President of AIA, also commented on the positive news.
"It’s great to see the North American machine vision market off to such a strong start in 2015," he said "We think more and more companies in all industries are recognizing the value that machine vision and imaging systems can have on their overall competitiveness."
In an effort to focus more attention on reaching companies that can benefit from vision and imaging technologies, the AIA recently announced two new events. The first event, the AIA’s first Vision in Life Sciences Conference, will be held November 19 in San Diego and will feature in-depth presentations on cutting edge vision technologies used in life sciences applications. The event will cover such technologies as cameras and image sensors, imaging optics, lasers, lighting sources, and optical filters. It will also include tabletop exhibits from leading companies in the industry looking to showcase the latest vision and imaging technologies in the life sciences industry.
Also being held for the first time is the AIA’s Canadian Machine Vision Conference, which will be held October 5-7 at the National Research Council’s downtown Ottawa, ON location.
This conference will feature in-depth presentations on such topics as machine vision research, emerging applications, getting started with machine vision, 3D vision, non-visible imaging, smart cameras and vision sensors, vision-guided robotics, advances in camera technology, machine vision software, and industrial inspection. Furthermore, the inaugural conference will include tabletop exhibits featuring leading imaging companies showcasing a range of technologies.
"These are great events for learning about the technology, meeting the key players, and determining how to successfully apply vision and imaging at your company," said Burnstein.
View more information on the Canadian Machine Vision Conference
View more information on the Vision in Life Sciences Conference.
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About the Author

James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.