Adding to its line ofBlackfly GigE Vision cameras, Point Grey has announced the release of the Blackfly BFLY-PGE-13H2 camera model, which is available in color and monochrome versions. The cameras are based on the Sharp RJ33J4CA3DE (mono) and RJ33J3CA3DE (color) 1/3" global shutter CCD sensors, which are 1.3 MPixel sensors with a 3.45 μm pixel size that can stream 1288 x 964 images at 30 fps. The Blackfly GigE Vision camera supports cable lengths of up to 100 meters using Gigabit Ethernet, is compatible with GigE Vision third-party applications, and provides such features as Power over Ethernet, temperature and status monitoring, in-field updatable firmware, color interpolation, look up table, gamma correction, pixel binning functionality
To Learn More:
Contact:Point Grey
Headquarters: Richmond, BC, Canada
Product: BFLY-PGE-13H2 GigE Vision camera
Key Features:1.3 MPixel Sharp CCD image sensors with 3.45 μm pixel size, 30 fps frame rate, GigE Vision-compliant.
What Point Grey says:
View more information on the BFLY-PGE-13H2 color version and mono version.
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