Expanding on its flagship line of Giganetix PlusGigE cameras, SMARTEK has announced the release of the GC1932 camera, which features a Sony Pregius Exmore sensor. The GCP1932 will feature Sony’s IMX249 CMOS image sensor, a 2.3 MPixel sensor with a 5.86 µm pixel size that can achieve frame rates up to 41 fps. The camera also features a low read-noise value of 10e- and high sensitivity under low light conditions. Compared to the GCP1931 camera, which is based on a Sony IMX174 sensor, the GCP1932 camera is significantly less expensive, and is suitable for use in image processing applications where image quality is important and speed plays a secondary role.
To Learn More:
Contact:Smartek Vision
Headquarters: Cakovec, Croatia
Product: GCP1932 Giganetix Plus GigE camera
Key Features: 2.3 MPixel Sony IMX248 CMOS sensor, 5.86 µm pixel size, 41 fps, of 10e- low read noise, GigE interface.
What SMARTEK Vision:
View more information on Giganetix Plus cameras.
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