Expanding on the Sweep+ series of multi-imager prism-based color line scan cameras, JAI has announced the release of the LQ-401CL and LQ-201CL cameras, which feature 4-CMOS technology. The R, G, B and NIR light spectrum bands are captured simultaneously in four separate channels through the same optical path. This combined RGB/NIR camera technology makes it possible to identify an even wider set of defects on vision inspected objects. The LQ-401CL camera features 4 x 4096 pixels per line with a 7 µm pixel size, an 84 MHz pixel clock, and an adjustable line rate to 18,252 lines per second. The LQ-201CL camera features 4 x 2048 pixels per line with a 14 µm pixel size, an 84 MHz pixel clock, and an adjustable line rate to 33,014 lines per second. Both models feature 4 x 8-bit or 4 x 10-bit Camera Link output, 55 dB signal to noise ratio, one-push automatic white balance via gain or shutter, and flat-field correction and color shading compensation.
To Learn More:
Contact: JAI
Headquarters: San Jose, CA, USA
Product: Sweep+4-CMOS color line scan cameras
Key Features: 4 x 4096 pixels per line with a 7 µm pixel size (LQ-401CL), 4 x 2048 pixels per line with a 14 µm pixel size (LQ-201CL),built-in pre-processing functions.
What JAI says
:View more information on the LQ-401CL camera.
View more information on the LQ-201CL camera.
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