EVT’s EyeCheck Thermo which is based on the camera technology of the SAITIS-640smart infrared camera from DST CONTROL, and software from EVT, now features IP65 or IP67 protection-class housing, enabling it to be deployed in industrial applications. The infrared camera features a 640 x 480 (or 320 x 240) uncooled microbolometer LWIR array with a spectral band of 8 to 14 µm, as well as a programmable Xilinx Zynq Raze1-15 or Raze1-30 FPGA. EyeCheck Thermo also has 8 I/O, GigE and RS-232 interfaces, additional LVDS interface, M12 connector with IP65 housing, two micro USB ports, a mini PCIe port, and EyeVision image processing software. Additionally, the camera features drag and drop programming for the development of thermal imaging tasks.
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Headquarters: Karlsruhe, Germany
Product:EyeCheck Thermo smart infrared camera
Key Features: 640 x 480 or 320 x 240 uncooled microbolometer LWIR array, GigE and RS-232 interface, spectral band of 8 to 14 µm, EyeVision software.
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