Wave series cameras from JAIare prism-based line scan cameras capable of sensing shortwave infrared (SWIR) light. The first camera in the series is the WA-1000D-CL, which features a 2 x 1024 InGaAs infrared detector and JAI’s prism line scan technology, which enables the camera to deliver dual-band imaging in the 900 – 1700 nm range. Equipped with a Camera Link interface, the camera can output video at 2 x 8-bit, 2 x 10-bit, and 2 x 12-bit at a line rate of 39 kHz. Additionally, the uncooled camera features pixel gain correction, flat-field correction, and a look-up table/Gamma function. Wave series camera, according to JAI, can be deployed in automated visual inspection systems in various machine vision applications.
To Learn More:
Contact: JAI
Headquarters: San Jose, CA, USA
Product: WA-1000D-CL SWIR line scan camera
Key Features: 2 x 1024 InGaAs infrared detector, JAI prism line scan technology, Camera Link interface, line rate of 39 kHz, 900 – 1700 nm range.
What JAI says:
View more information on the WA-1000D-CL.
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