Mightex’s USB 3.0 cameras deliver a transfer rate of up to 400 Mbyte/s, which makes it suitable for use in industrial applications that require high-speed or multiple cameras. The USB 3.0 cameras come with an Aptina 5 megapixel CMOSimage sensor that can offer up to 14 fps in full resolution and up to 350 fps using ROI mode. The camera features 2,560 x 1,920 pixels with a 2.2 x 2.2 pixel size. In addition, the cameras have external trigger-in, strobe-out, and an engine that supports multiple camera operations. A full software development kit for OEM applications also comes with the camera.
To learn more:
Contact: Mightex Systems
Headquarters: Toronto, ON, Canada
Product:Mightex USB 3.0 cameras.
Key Features:Transfer rate of up to 400 Mbyte/s, 5 megapixel CMS image sensor, 560 x 1,920 pixels with a 2.2 x 2.2 pixel size.
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