Vehicle attempting world land speed record receives first vision system
This past June we reported on The Bloodhound Project, in which a team of engineers hopes to reach a 1,000 mph world land speed record with its Bloodhound SSC vehicle, and how imaging will factor into that quest. Several months later, the first camera system for testing and evaluation has been sent.
Stemmer Imaging has delivered a four-camera system for testing on the Bloodhound SSC as the engineering team continues to develop the vehicle. The vision system features *four color GigE cameras all streaming HD resolution video in real time to an ADLINK EOS 1200 embedded vision system, which is equipped with an Intel Core i7 processor. The EOS 1200 also features four independent GigE ports for multiple GigE Vision device connections with transfer rates up to 4.0 Gb/s.
In order to accommodate the high volume of data generated by the system, a custom version of Vision Expert’s Gecko recording software has been developed to perform real-time video compression. Gecko connects to GigE Vision cameras and records video to standard formats, including AVI and MPG. It enables the viewing, controlling, and recording of up to four cameras and uses GenICam standard controls to change camera parameters.
When the Bloodhound SSC is powered up, Gecko automatically starts up, connects to the cameras, and starts recording video. The camera system as a whole will initially be used in conjunction with other engineering sensors to observe what is happening around the vehicle during testing as well as evaluate the optimum placement of cameras in the chassis.
*Editor’s note: Stemmer Imaging does not provide the camera’s vendor
View the press release.
View more information on the Bloodhound Project.
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How imaging factors into quest to break world land speed record
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.