Datalogic’s new A30 smart cameras feature a 640x480 1/3” CCD image sensor with 7.4µm x 7.4µm pixel size and DSP processors. The cameras are enclosed in an industrial hardened IP67 enclosure which enables the cameras to be used in industrial inspection industries such as pharmaceutical and food and beverage. The cameras also feature built in I/Os, GigE and serial interfaces, and resolutions from VGA to 5 MPixel. In addition, the A30 smart cameras are equipped with a C-Mount lens, 512MB RAM, and acquire images at 60 fps. The cameras are suited for surface flaw inspection, high-speed product locating, and template matching.
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Headquarters: Bologna, Italy
Product: A30 smart cameras
Key Features: 640x480 1/3” CCD image sensor with 7.4µm x 7.4µm pixel size, GigE and serial interfaces, VGA to 5Mpixel resolutions.
What Datalogic says:
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