[Page 2] Q&A: Multi-camera vision controllers, open architecture imaging, Google's Project Tango
The following is a discussion continued from page one with Corrado Franchi, CEO, Tattile Srl.
Is there a particular trend or product in the next few years that you see as "the next big thing?"
I believe that in the future the demand for smart cameras with open architecture will increase more and more, as customers, especially OEMs, will want to develop their own know-how. For this reason we are launching a new range of smart cameras based on Linux, in order to satisfy both the customer that is looking for a complete solution and the one that instead needs an “open” solution.
Do you have any new exciting products or developments on the horizon?
We are working on a Smart Camera with a hyperspectral sensor. With this technology it will be possible to differentiate an object for the material of which it is made rather than as it appears. We strongly believe in this new technology and we see a lot of big opportunity in the market.
Is there anything vision-related that you’ve seen recently, in any particular market, that you thought was particularly cool?
I was particularly impressed by the Tango Project of Google. Thanks to a system with two cameras mounted on a smartphone, they could tracks the 3D motion of the device, and it (the Tango) creates a 3D model of the environment around it.
Editor’s note: Google’s Project Tango is a mobile phone containing customized hardware and software designed to track the full 3D motion of the device while simultaneously creating a map of the environment. CMOS image sensors from OmniVision Technologies Inc. in the phone will allow it to make 3D measurements, updating its position and orientation in real-time, and combining that data into a single 3D model of the space around the user. . In addition, the Myriad 1 computer vision processor from Movidius helps to process computer vision data.
See other articles from our June 9 e-newsletter.
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About the Author

James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.