Single-board camera provides stereo image capture
MARCH 13, 2009--Designed as a single-board OEM stereo smart camera measuring 2.4 x 4 in., a new model features two camera heads equipped with CCD sensors of the same or different types. Using flex cables, the camera heads can be installed at nearly any desired distance and tilt angle. Stereo image capture for either sensor heads can be triggered externally or internally independently of exposure time. Featuring an integrated Texas Instruments TMS320C64xx DSP processor with 900-MHz clock rate, the intelligent stereo camera, which is based on the VC Smart Camera architecture, executes all image-processing routines. It comes with 256-Mbyte DDR RAM and 16-Mybte Flash EPROM data and program storage. The Gigabit Ethernet interface, two digital inputs and four outputs, and an LVTTL parallel interface ease camera integration.The VCRT proprietary real-time operating system processes task changes with a maximum delay of 1 ms. The new model can be freely programmed in C and C++, facilitated by the VCLIB image-processing library and with the OpenCV open-source program library, SmartReader 2-D code reading library, and SmartFinder contour-based object recognition programming library.
Vision Components
Ettlingen, Germany
For related information, visit the Smart Cameras topic center.
-- Posted by Carrie Meadows, Vision Systems Design,
You better look twice:
Intelligent stereo camera from Vision Components
Ettlingen - Image processing expert Vision Components GmbH introduces the first smart stereo camera which is suited for a wide range of applications. Designed as a single board OEM smart camera measuring merely 2.4 x 4", the unit features two camera heads equipped with CCD sensors of the same or different types. Using flex cables, the camera heads can be installed at nearly any desired distance and tilt angle. Stereo image capture for either sensor heads can be triggered externally or internally independently of exposure time. Featuring an integrated Texas Instruments TMS320C64xx DSP processor with 900 MHz clock rate, the intelligent stereo camera, which is based on the proven VC Smart Camera architecture, executes all image processing routines. It comes with 256 MB DDR RAM and 16MB Flash EPROM data and program storage. Thanks to its interfaces, Gigabit Ethernet, two digital inputs and four outputs and an LVTTL parallel interface, the stereo camera can be easily integrated into existing automation environment. It operates with the VCRT proprietary real-time operating system which processes task changes with a maximum delay of 1 ms. Like all VC cameras, the new model can be freely programmed in C and C++, which is facilitated by the VCLIB image processing library and additionally with OpenCV open source program library, SmartReader 2d code reading library, and SmartFinder contour-based object recognition programming library.
Company Background
Vision Components GmbH was founded in 1996 by Michael Engel, inventor of the first intelligent camera for industrial applications. Today, it is a leading supplier in the field of industrial image processing. The Ettlingen-based company develops and distributes intelligent, network-compatible real time cameras. Due to their proprietary multitasking operating system VCRT, the devices operate without an additional PC, making them easy to integrate into almost any industrial facility. Typical application areas include quality and completeness checks, measurement technology and biometric access control.