At SPIE DCS 2017, Laser Components USA will showcase its avalanche photodiode arrays (APD, pictured), and custom-designed polarizers, which are being used in combination with vision systems in applications such as unmanned aerial vehicles and robotics. A 12-element APD array with number and dimension of the individual elements customized to the specific requirements of each application will be showcased, while the company will also highlight its nano-particle glass polarizers, which achieve high contrast and transmission for the UV, VIS, NIR, and Mid-IR ranges, with a wide acceptance angle of ±20°.
SPIE DCS 2017 booth number: 437
To Learn More:
Contact: Laser Components USA
Headquarters: Bedford, NH, USA
Products: Avalanche photodiode arrays and custom-designed polarizers.
What Laser Components says:
View more information on the APDs.
View more information on the polarizers.
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