The MEGA6 Lens Kit from Goyo Optical includes 6 MPixel, 2/3 fixed focal length lenses in 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, and 25mm focal lengths. The 6 MPixel lenses can also be purchased individually, or altogether in the lens kit which packages all of the lenses in a compact, impact and static resistant case. The C-Mount lenses have an iris range of f/1.4-16, and a minimum object distance of 100 mm, 150 mm, or 200 mm, depending on the lens model. Additionally, the lenses have an M27 x P0.5 filter thread, and a resolution of 170 lp/mm.
To Learn More:
Contact:Goyo Optical
Headquarters: Saitama, Japan
Product: 6 MPixel fixed focal length lenses
Key Features: 6 MPixel, 2/3" fixed focal length lenses in 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, and 25mm focal lengths.
What Goyo Optical says:
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