PHORTE CoaXPress fiber extenders from Phrontier Technologies fully support the CoaXPress standard with high-speed download and low-speed uplink with a plug-and-play configuration. The extender supports all high-speed bit rates: 1.25 Gb, 2.5 Gb, 3.125 Gb, 5 Gb, and 6.25 Gb/s, while featuring a standard DIN 1.0/2.3 connector. The PHORTE extender also supports Power over CoaXPress to supply power to the camera and receive power from the frame grabber. Additionally, the fiber extender is scalable for multi-link connections for high-bandwidth applications and can extend the link distance up to 10 km, with longer distances available upon request.
To Learn More:
Contact: Phrontier Technologies
Headquarters: Lake Forest, CA, USA
Product: PHORTE CoaXPress fiber extender
Key Features: Supports CoaXPress standard and all high-speed bit rates: 1.25 Gb, 2.5 Gb, 3.125 Gb, 5 Gb, and 6.25 Gb/s, extends for distances up to 10 km.
What Phrontier Technologies says:
View more information on the extender.
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