Kaya Instruments has announced the launch of its Jet series of high-speed cameras, which are now available in two models: JetCam 19 and JetCam 25. The JetCam 19 camera features the 2.1 MPixel LUX19HS global shutter CMOS image sensor from Alexima, which has a 10 μm pixel size and can reach a frame rate of 2,400 fps at 8-bit resolution and 1920 fps at 10-bit resolution. JetCam 19 has Fiber (40 Gbps) or CoaXPress (25 Gbps) interfaces, and a Nikon F-Mount with integrated lens control. The JetCam 25 features an ON Semiconductor PYTHON 25K CMOS image sensor, which is a 25 MPixel global shutter CMOS image sensor with a 4.5 μm pixel size and can reach a frame rate of 80 fps at full resolution. Like the JetCam 19, this model also features fiber optic or CoaXPress interface and is compatible with both the Kaya Vision Point SDK and Kaya Komodo CoaXPress frame grabbers.
To Learn More:
Contact:Kaya Instruments
Headquarters: Haifa, Israel
Product: JetCam high-speed cameras
Key Features: Fiber optic (40 Gbps) or CoaXPress (25 Gbps) interfaces, 2.1 MPixel LUX19HS CMOS sensor, 2,400 fps (JetCam 19), ON Semi PYTHON 25K CMOS sensor, 80 fps (JetCam 25).
What Kaya Instruments says:
View more information on the cameras.
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.