InfraTec offers lock-in thermography package with VarioCAM HDx camera and IRBIS 3 software
InfraTec GmbH is offering a lock-in thermography package that includes a VarioCAM HDx thermographic camera, IRBIS 3 active thermography software, a trigger unit, and connection cables.
The VarioCAM HDx features 640 x 480 pixel resolution and standard, macro, and microscopic lenses with up to a 17 µm pixel size. A GigE interface is supplemented by optional LabVIEW and MATLAB interfaces. The IRBIS 3 software is designed as an all-purpose tool for use in active thermography. InfraTec states it will also tailor packages to specific needs.
To Learn More:
Contact: InfraTec GmbH
Headquarters: Dresden, Germany
Product: VarioCAM Hdx thermographic camera and IRBIS 3 software package.
Key Features: Camera has 640 x 480 pixel resolution, standard, macro, and microscopic lenses, up to 17 µm pixel. GigE, LabVIEW and MATLAB interfaces.
What InfraTec GmbH says:
View more information on the VarioCAM Hdx thermographic camera and IRBIS 3 software package.
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