Infrareddetector, camera, and imaging solution developer and manufacturer Xenics recently increased production capabilities, added extra clean room space, reviewed processing techniques and modernized equipment, which has led to an improvement of the company’s SWIR detector.
Xenics significantly lowered dark current in its standard InGaAs SWIR detectors, and these improved detectors will be first introduced in the company’s Bobcat 640 (pictured) and Cheetah TE3 infrared cameras. From there, the detectors will make their way into all the company’s InGaAs SWIR cameras, including vSWIR (visible enhanced short-wave infrared) models with extended response into the visible range.
A lower dark current, according to the company, will enable the detectors and cameras to provide a better signal-to-noise ratio, a larger dynamic range, and a lower noise in the shot noise dominant region.
No adjustment to the prices of the cameras will be made as a result of this new development.
View more information on Xenics.
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