Orbbec Launches New Stereo Vision 3D Camera
Orbbec has launched a new stereo vision 3D camera, the Gemini 335Lg, the latest addition to Orbbec’s Gemini 330 camera series. Utilizing GMSL2 FAAKRA and USB connections, the camera features the ASIC MX6800 global shutter depth engine for built-in depth processing. The camera has a depth range of .17 to more than 20 m, with an ideal range of .25 to 6m. It can achieve IR resolution of up to 1280 x 800 at a 30fps frame rate and RGB resolution of up to 1280 x 800 at a 60 fps frame rate. It has an RGB global shutter sensor with a 94° x 68° ± 3° FOV.
Designed for multi-device collaboration, the Gemini 335g Lg can support connection of up to 16 cameras simultaneously, and is compatible with NVIDIA Jetson, ROS, and ROS2 platforms.
Rated IP65, the camera can handle operating temperatures of -10° to 50°C. It is designed for both indoor and outdoor machine vision applications performed in challenging or harsh conditions, especially mobile robotic and robotic arm applications.
To Learn More:
Contact: Orbbec
Headquarters: Troy, MI, USA
Product: Gemini 335Lg camera
Key Features: 1280 x 800 IR and RGB resolutions, 30 fps IR frame rate and 60 fps RGB framerate, IP65 rated
What Orbbec says: View more information on Gemini 335Lg camera.
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