JAI Adds New Line Scan Cameras to Sweep Camera Series
JAI recently launched two new additions to its Sweep camera series, the SW-16000TL-CXP4A trilinear color model and the SW-16000M-CXP4A monochrome model. These high-speed line scan cameras achieve 16k resolution with 5 μm square pixels. Both cameras have CoaXPRess 4 x CXP-12 interface; the color camera achieves 100 kHz scan rate and the monochrome achieves 277 kHz scan rate.
The color model camera features algorithms that enable intelligent sub-pixel spatial compensation, which aligns the accuracy of the three RGB lines. Both models come with a M-95 lens mount an d a heat sink. These cameras are especially designed for machine vision applications such as battery, flat panel, and printed circuit board inspection and other such high-speed, high detail manufacturing processes.
To Learn More:
Contact: JAI
Headquarters: San Jose, CA, USA
Product: SW-16000TL-CXP4A, SW-16000M-CXP4A line scan cameras
Key Features: 16k resolution, up 277 kHz scan rate, 5 μm square pixels
What JAI says: View more information on Sweep camera series
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