Orbbec Launches New Stereo Vision Camera
Orbbec has launched a new stereo vision camera, the Gemini 335Le. This camera is the latest addition to Orbbec’s Gemini 330 camera series. It has global shutter sensor that achieves 1280 x 800 resolution and a 30 fps frame rate in IR and 1280 x 800 resolution with 60 fps frame rate in RGB. It has a .25 to 20m depth range, with an ideal range of .25 to 6 m. It has a GigE M12 interface.
Rated IP67, the Gemini 335Le is designed for complex robotic machine vision applications, such as industrial picking, in harsh indoor and outdoor environments.
To Learn More:
Contact: Orbbec
Headquarters: Troy MI, USA
Product:Gemini 335Le camera
Key Features: 1280 x 800 resolution, up to 60 fps frame rate, .25 to 20m depth range
What Orbbec says: View more information on 335Le camera
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