Cables and Connectivity
Frame grabber runs on PCI bus
Frame grabber runs on PCI bus
PC-Eye1 supports up to four monochrome matrix cameras and real-time acquisition of single images and sequences using PCI bus master DMA. It uses PCI for direct acquisition into the PC`s main memory. PC-Eye2 is used to interface to color matrix cameras. Used with the PC- Eye Basic Tools software package, it provides live video in a window display. For linescan applications, PC-Eye3 works with digital matrix cameras and digital inputs. All three frame grabbers are supported by the company`s C/C++ programming interface that can be run under Windows 95/3.1x/NT. American Eltec, 101 College Rd. East, Princeton, NJ 08540; (609) 452-1555; Fax: (609) 452-7374.