Alliances abound
Alliances abound
Veridicom Inc. (Santa Clara, CA), a Lucent Technologies spin-off and a supplier of silicon sensor chips, has established the Veridicom Integration Partners program, a cooperate effort to provide total solutions for personal-computer, data-network, and security applications using fingerprint-based identification technologies. Initial program members include Acer America Corp. (San Jose, CA), Biometric Identification Inc. (Sherman Oaks, CA), Dermalog (Hamburg, Germany), I/O Software (Riverside, CA), The National Registry (Tampa, FL), Skytale (Hamburg, Germany), TRW Systems Integration Group (Fairfax, VA), and Utimaco Safeware AG (Oberursel, Germany).
Thomson-CSF Semiconducteurs Specifiques (TCS; Paris, France) has formed FingerChip Partners, a developers group focusing on TCS FingerChip fingerprint imaging silicon chip and hardware, software, and applications based on this technology. Supporting company partners include AST Computer, Bergdata plc, Cezam Inc., Cogent Systems Inc., I/O Software Inc., Oxford Micro Devices, The Phoenix Group, and Signature Verification Systems.
Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP; Palo Alto, CA) is bundling PhotoRecall software from G&A Imaging (Hull, Canada) to develop image-management solutions for HP products, such as the HP 2000C Professional Series color printer.
Sagem SA (Paris, France) and Heiman Biometric Systems GmbH (Jena, Germany) have entered into a long-term strategic alliance to develop, manufacture, and market a new-generation ILS2 fingerprint and palmprint live-scan system.
Lumisys Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA) has signed system-integrator and OEM agreements with nine medical-system integrators that will incorporate Lumisys digitizers, frame grabbers, and workstation software into Picture Archiving and Communications Systems for hospital, clinic, and nuclear-medicine applications.
In a joint development agreement, Candescent Technologies Corp. (San Jose, CA) is teaming up with Vivid Semiconductor Inc. (Chandler, AZ) to bring full-motion, true-color video and graphics to hand-held and notebook personal computers, portable digital video-disk players, web phones, and thin CRT flat-panel displays.
Siliscape Inc. (Palo Alto, CA), a start-up that combines specialized silicon with viewing optics for portable display technologies, has formed a strategic partnership with Three-Five Systems Inc. (Tempe, AZ), a supplier of custom liquid-crystal displays, to develop virtual displays for portable communications devices.
American Robot Technologies Inc. (AR; Ft. Myers Beach, FL) and Cognex Corp. (Natick, MA) have signed an agreement by which AR will integrate Cognex vision systems into its Universal Robot Controller for robotic applications.