onsemi 20 MPixel Sensor Now Available in IDS Cameras
Imaging Development Systems (IDS) has added the new Onsemi AR 2020 CMOS image sensor as an option for several of its industrial cameras, including the uEye XCP cameras. The sensor has 20 MPixel, 5136 x 3856 pixel resolution, up to 60 fps frame rate, is back-lit, and is available in color and monochrome versions. It has USB3 interface. It has a closed housing with a 29 x 29 x 17 mm footprint. The AR 2020 is designed especially for machine vision applications such as automated inspection and quality control functions, as well as low light applications such as microscopy.
To Learn More:
Contact: onsemi
Headquarters: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Product: AR2020 Sensor
Key Features: 20 MPixel resolution, 80 fps frame rate, CMOS
What onsemi says: View more information on AR2020.
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