Princeton Instruments launches new MEGAPLUS camera with high spatial resolution capability
Princeton Instruments (Trenton, NJ, USA) has launched the MEGAPLUS ER11000 CCD camera with up to 96 megapixel resolution. The camera is based on a full frame (36mm x 24mm), 11-megapixel CCD sensor with proprietary “eRes” technology, to produce ultra-high resolution images.
“In the world of high-resolution imaging, it is difficult to find a camera with a combination of greater than 16 megapixel resolution, low noise, industrial-grade reliability and affordability. While there have been occasional announcements in the industry about sensors with up to 100 mega-pixel resolution, they tend to be custom designed with multi-million dollar development costs, and require significant investment in custom optics to make use of them,” comments Greg Combs, industrial group product manager.
“Princeton Instruments has invested a significant amount of resources to address these unmet requirements,” Greg continues. “For example, the eRes technology in our ER11000 camera uses proven, high-precision, opto-mechanical components in a rugged package to produce up to 96 megapixel images – suitable for 24/7 critical inspection environments.” MEGAPLUS ER11000 is the is the first 16+ megapixel CCD camera that combines sensor cooling and low noise 12-bit output; a key to capturing fine details even in low light environments.
MEGAPLUS cameras are considered the standard for high performance imaging in a wide variety of applications in medical, industrial and scientific markets. The new ER11000 camera with “eRes” technology stands to become another such reference for demanding imaging applications. Specific markets for ER11000 include flat panel display, solar panel and other vision applications requiring ultra-fine details to be captured from large fields of view. The highest image quality with fewest hot pixels means that the camera is also suitable for research and scientific applications, such as high-resolution microscopy.
About Princeton Instruments
Princeton Instruments designs and manufactures high-performance CCD, ICCD, and EMCCD cameras; spectrographs; and optics-based solutions for the scientific research, industrial imaging, and OEM communities. We take pride in partnering with our customers to solve their most challenging problems in unique, innovative ways. For more information on Princeton Instruments products, please visit
-- Posted by Vision Systems Design